Monday, January 11, 2010

The Doctors

Today 1/11/10 Convinced me of the suspected con that this show was pulling. They introduced a person as “An old favourite of ours” who has an astonishing weight loss plan. On she comes all smiles and full of beans and starts raving about some 400 calorie a day diet, “A diet that is seen for the first time in America or anywhere else” All the “Doctors” spout off about how good it sounds and lots of “Mmmm” and “Ahhh” and “That interesting” and all the time this “person” has a grin on her face like the Cheshire Cat. She gives you little snippets from the book to wet your appetite (pun intended") and then tells you from what web site you can buy it. Every “Doctor” gets a piece of that action. And the lead idiot “Doctor” wears scrubs to emphasize his wonderfulness. Just that alone warns me off. These low down quacks need to be exposed to what they really are..QUACKS with a GLEAM OF MONEY IN THEIR EYES If they truly were concerned about our health, they would post it on the web site  for free. But no, how can they make money from others misery if they give it away for free, come on, that would not be in keeping with the American Dream. Their dream, your nightmare Makes me so mad these parasites.

Continuing on the same theme: Politicians
 Generally speaking....No wait...Lets get real here. ALL,  Politicians are out for themselves, all parties, all Countries, all of them. Sometimes the people benefit from their works as a cast off from their need for power and/or money. Its a human nature thing, nothing we can do about it, we just have to put up with it. Our time will come mark my words, and everyone will know when that time is, there will be no "I wonder if this is it" we will know without a doubt.

Jimmy Saville

Even though my links with the world of show biz was tenuous to say the least, a lowly person like myself knew that Jimmy Saville had a penchant for the young among us. I had no details but I had enough to at least write to someone and I didn't. Again it was the superstar syndrome. He was way to big, and I imagined the BBC had plenty of haters writing bad stuff about many of their famous employee's  so why would they make note of mine. My point is: If I, a person not even connected with the BBC knew he was a perv, I am sure the heads knew something along the same lines. The same thing with Gary Glitter, all the girls on Top of the Pops that were screaming at him were in their early teens. Why let them in to the studio, under aged impressionable young pretty girls. This may have contributed to his perversion to manifest itself in the way it did. Its no excuse obviously, but if those girls were 18 or 19 they at least could have handled him (no pun intended) appropriately.
As for Freddy Starr, he looks like a pervert, but that doesn't make him one. I like him, he makes me laugh and always has. Mind you, I had an "Uncle" who always made me laugh, he was fantastic fun. Turns out he was a pervert and was molesting a girl, her life could have turned out so much better if it had been nipped in the bud. As all the girls these two molested. I am sure their lives would have been way better without those memories and feelings of unwarranted guilt.

Attorneys and Judges

I have often thought that the collective term for Attorneys was "Scum" but

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